May 14, 2008

Google Translate

Google have launch this service quite some time ago. This is really a very good website for language and dictionary used. It simple and easy to used as well. Google Translate provide excellent feature like Translate Text, Translate Web Page, Dictionary and some others tools to embed to blog or website.

Google Translate support most of the language like English, Chinese, Japanese, German, Russia, Spanish, Italian, French and so on.

The most interesting feature in Google Translate is Web Page Translation. Let say you found a website in English language, but you prefer reading in Chinese, so just copy and enter the URL of the website and choose the language to translate. Enjoy reading..!!

For me, i used Google Translate to translate word/sentence from English to Chinese, because my English language really poor. This is the way to improve my language. Previously I'm using the dictionary in, but the language and feature is too limited, that's why migrate to Google Translate. :)

Website :